Rebuilding The Jewish World

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Rebuilding The Jewish World


Product InformationRebuilding The Jewish World

Kiruv Sources And Solutions
Hardcover | 6″ x 9″ | 408 PagesWritten by: Rabbi Elazar GrunbergerPublished by: Mosaica PressAbout this Book

Rebuilding the Jewish World: Kiruv Sources and Solutions is a compelling presentation of Torah sources and insights addressing the pressing priorities in today’s world for Klal Yisrael and demonstrating the importance of kiruv.Each and every Jew has an important role to play in “rebuilding the Jewish world.”Rabbi Elazar Grunberger grew up in El Paso, Texas. While still a teenager, he traveled to Israel and began his Torah learning at Aish HaTorah followed by seven special years in Bnei Brak. Over that period, he became close with Gedolei Yisrael, and received semichah from both Rabbi Nissim Karelitz and Rabbi Noach Weinberg.In 1985, Rabbi Weinberg asked Rabbi Elazar and his wife Brocha to take over leadership of Aish HaTorah’s St. Louis branch. Over the next twenty-five-plus years, Aish-St. Louis developed a reputation within the Aish system for producing the highest percentage of participants to become fully mitzvah observant — a result attributed to the energy and care they invested in every Jew involved in their programs. While in St. Louis, Rabbi Grunberger also founded the Sha’arei Chesed shul (known as the U. City Shul) where he served as rav.The Grunbergers realized their life-time dream of making aliyah in 2011. Rabbi Grunberger founded Lev Modiin, a community educational and evening beis midrash program (night kollel) in Modiin, one of Israel’s fastest growing cities, which is predominantly secular.In 2017, Rabbi Grunberger created and launched a new Torah study program for effective kiruv, called LifeWisdom. He also founded the Lev Echad organization to promote successful kiruv and the LifeWisdom program worldwide.Known for his outstanding passion, determination, and dedication, Rabbi Grunberger is recognized as one of today’s foremost kiruv activists and currently serves as director of Lev Modiin and the Lev Echad outreach network.The Grunbergers reside in Ramat Beit Shemesh, with children and grandchildren living in the United States and Israel. 

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Rebuilding The Jewish World

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